Caitlin Sierra

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More about Caitlin:

A.S. Criminal Justice, Santa Monica College

B.A. Psychology and B.A. Child and Adolescent Development, San Francisco State University

I take a person-centered approach. Every student is on their own journey, so I always try to be clear with my students and make them feel heard/confident in their education. 

I worked for the advising business team I reside in now for approximately 2 years almost 3 as a student. I had a great support system who always made me feel comfortable in whatever I wanted to pursue. Seeing them being able to help students made me want to also do the same; I have been lucky to get a great group of mentors who I can now call my colleagues!

I love chatting with my students and seeing them reach their goal in graduating. It is always an exciting moment during my day to day work life.

Meeting new students and my work environment; I am surrounded by great people!

PSY 320 with Professor Ivy Chen - her enthusiasm during class and her energy always kept the class engaged in the material. Also she would bring her three pomeranians to visit!

Professional competition dance coach. I worked for the team for about 6 years. I am a very competitive person already but if I was asked to do dance coaching

Never lose confidence in yourself; everyone's journey is unique. College is the time to find yourself, grow as an individual, and find what you are passionate about. Even if you are taking baby steps you are reaching your goals!

I love cooking especially for other people. I have two guinea pigs one named Benny and the other Dobby. I love chatting with people. I want to travel more even though I have a fear of planes - my goal is Europe and Puerto Rico!